Hartland Primary School

  1. Safeguarding


 At Hartland Primary School we treat the safeguarding of children as a priority.

Everyone at Hartland Primary School is committed to safeguarding and responsible for keeping our children safe.

We do this by:

  • providing a safe environment for children to thrive;
  • identifying children who are suffering or are likely to suffer significant harm
  • taking appropriate action to ensure they are kept safe both at school and at home.

To ensure children are safe we have systems for the purpose:

  • preventing unsuitable people working with children
  • promoting safe practice and challenge unsafe practice
  • effective identification of concerns and initiating or taking  appropriate action
  • contributing to effective partnerships between all relevant safeguarding services

 Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Helen Bye

Deputy Safeguarding Leads are Michelle Brown, Donna Weeks and Shaun Teuchmann.

Safeguarding Governor is Jacquie Goaman


What to do if you have safeguarding concerns

 If you have any concerns about the safety of any child please speak to one of the adults responsible for safeguarding, please see document below for named responsible people. 

If your safeguarding concern is outside of usual school working hours and urgent you should either call 999 or contact the Devon County Council Multi Agency Support Hub (MASH) through Devon Front Door on 0345 1551077.

For more information regarding Devon Front Door you can also visit:

Child protection - What to do if you're worried about a child's safety? (devon.gov.uk) 

Useful links

2023 Safeguarding and child protection policy.pdf

Link to DCSB - http://www.devonsafeguardingchildren.org/

Parents booklet about Prevent

Top tips for parents (Educate against Hate)


Operation Encompass

We are proud to be an Operation Encompass school.  For more information click on the links below.

School to Parent letter

Operation Encompass Newsletter


Online Safety and CSE

In September the government launched a new online tool for schools to give parents advice and tips on preparing their children for adult life. The site also contains a lot of information which would equally be useful for professionals.

The direct link to this information site is http://parentinfo.org/ 
Please have a look at this website. It will updated regularly with new information.

For further support please speak to a member of staff.

E-Safety Lead: Mr Shaun Teuchmann

Computing Subject Lead: Mr Shaun Teuchmann

Below is a list of links that parents may find helpful in learning more about e-safety,

CEOP Website - http://www.ceop.police.uk/
Think You Know - http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
CBBC Stay Safe - http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/topics/stay-safe
Kidsmart -http://www.kidsmart.org.uk/
South West Grid for Learning - http://www.swgfl.org.uk/Staying-Safe

Viral Scares Support Information for parents

For advice regarding your child playing Minecraft please click here to access materials on the NSPCC website.  

 Fortnite information for Parents

Online safety information for Primary School Children

Childnet Parent Factsheet