Hartland Primary School

  1. Governors


Hartland Primary School is part of the ACCT (Atlantic Coast Co-operative Trust), therefore, the Governing Board are the legal employers of all staff at our school.  The governing board aslo hold responsibility for all areas of the curriculum, standards, admissions, staff appointments and health and safety.  A governing body's main duties include:

  • accountability for the performance of the school
  • setting strategic direction, policies and objectives
  • planning the school's future direction
  • approving the school budgets
  • appointing, challenging and supporting the Headteacher
  • making decisions about the school's budget and staffing
  • making sure a broad range of subjects is taught, that meet Government requirements
  • ensuring that the school provides for pupils
 Hartland Primary believe it is important that we reflect the diversity of the community we serve. We are always seeking opportunities to expand our board to ensure it reflects a diverse range of perspectives and to support inclusive decision making. We encourage anyone who would be interested in being a governor to contact the school. You don't have to have, or to have had children at the school to be a governor.
The governing board is made up of the FGB and 2 sub committees, Resources and Teaching and Learning.  The FGB will meet on the following dates through 2023-2024
FGB Teaching & Learning Resources

26th September 2023 5.30pm (Housekeeping)

11th October 2023 - 6.30pm

26th March 2024 - 6.30pm

16th July 2024 - 5.30pm

11th October 2023 - 5.30pm

10th January 2024 - 5.30pm

24th April 2024 - 5.30pm

1st November 2023 - 5.30pm

26th March 2024 - 5.30pm

19th June 2024 - 5.30pm

 Pay Committee - 1st November 2023 - 7.00pm


 Minutes and Agendas for Governing Board meetings are public documents and are available from either the Governor's Noticeboard in the main foyer, or from Donna Weeks, clerk@hartland.devon.sch.uk. These are Approved Draft Minutes and may be changed at the next Governing Board Meeting for factual errors

The Governing Board can be contacted through Donna Weeks, Clerk to Governors. E-mail - clerk@hartland.devon.sch.uk or 01237441258.


Governors Secure Area