Hartland Primary School

  1. Children
  2. Class Pages
  3. Class 3


Welcome to Class 3's Page

Teacher: Mrs Copp

Support Staff: Mrs Gibbons and Mrs Gossling

Note: Key Stage Two children are not provided with a free school snack. Please send your child to school with a snack of fruit or vegetables.

Where possible play times will be outside, please make sure that your child has a coat in school at all times, a school fleece does not provide protection from the rain on the many very wet days we have had.

P.E Days

Tuesday and Friday 

This term we will have dance and sports day preparation on a Tuesday (this will be outside where possible so please ensure weather appropriate PE kit with the appropriate footwear). 

On a Friday, we will be swimming. Please ensure children wear their swimming costume under their school uniform to school on a Friday. They MUST also bring a towel, googles and a swimming hat. A swimming hat is requirement of the pool as part of their safety regulations.


Homework is set on a Friday and collected on a Thursday. Home work should take no more than half an hour and is comprised of spellings, times tables and a mini task. Weekly reading is in addition to this. Times tables are practised daily in school and spellings are tested every Friday. If you have any questions about this, please let us know.


We would like you to read at home with an adult at least four times a week. You do not have to read a whole book each time, just a page or two will be great and it does not always need to be your school reading book; you could read a magazine, library book or a book you have at home. Please make sure you write in your reading diary when you have read, you can do this yourself or an adult can write in it for you. You will need to make sure you have your reading book and diary in school every day. Reading diaries will be checked weekly and house points will be awarded for every two reads. Reading diaries will also be written in when individual reading in school takes place.

 Summer Two

MATHS: Time, Shape, Statistics, Position and Direction

ENGLISH: The Dictionary of Difficult Words, Our Tower

Geography: Trade- Food Miles


D & T: 

COMPUTING: Creating Media: Editing Photos

PE: Swimming and Dance

PSHE: Being my Best

SPANISH: Se... I know how


Knowledge Organisers