As a staff we have worked hard together to develop our curriculum to include elements that we believe are important for our children to learn. These are based around not only teaching pupils the National Curriculum but aims to give the children values and experiences that will set them up for their future.
The Three 'I's - Intent, Implementation and Impact
What is 'Intent'?
This is the ‘why’ – why have we designed our curriculum this way and why do we think this is best for our pupils?
What is our Intent?
Rather than use a bought-in programme, we have specifically designed our curriculum around the aspirations we have for our pupils. Our curriculum is based around core values we believe it is vital our children leave school with. Our aim is to teach them to be:
- Confident – to establish their own opinions
- Enthusiastic – to have a life-long love of learning
- Independent – to be equipped with the skills they will need for everyday life
- Respectful – towards others and their beliefs
- Ambitious –to have the drive to succeed
- Articulate – to express their opinions in a respectful but convincing way.
- Motivated – to want to achieve
- Resilient – to view failure as lesson, not a barrier
- Organised – to know that organisation affects efficiency and morale
- Committed – to understand dedication to a team or group
We believe that by designing a curriculum with these values in mind, our pupils will grow to be well-balanced individuals that are curious about learning and strive to succeed.
See below for our subject Intent statements:
What is meant by 'Implementation'?
This is the ‘how’ – how we deliver our intent to pupils and how we check their understanding of the skills they have learnt.
What is our Implementation?
- With mixed age classes, Hartland Primary School operates a 2 year rolling programme – for EYFS/Year 1, KS1 and LKS2 and UKS2.
- Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils have opportunities to succeed and develop their knowledge and skills across a range of different subjects. Pupils are inspired through a carefully thought out approach to teaching and learning whereby skills and knowledge developed in different subjects can be applied across the whole of the curriculum to further enhance pupil’s experiences and enable them to build upon their existing knowledge - see our progression of skills and knowledge documents for each subject:
- Reading
- Writing
- Maths
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Art
- Computing
- Design and Technology
- Music
- PE
- For RE we follow the Devon Agreed Syllabus and have adapted this in our bespoke 2 year RE rolling programme
- The 'progression of skills vocabulary' shows how we aim to promote our Intent values within our curriculum.
- Our ‘Curriculum Toolkit lays out the different approaches taken to instil a love of learning into our pupils, and additional opportunities we give to enhance the curriculum.
- CPD for staff ensures up to date information on the teaching of all subjects to drive high quality first teaching for all pupils.
- Assessment is used throughout the curriculum to promote long-term memory of skills and key concepts.
- Opportunities in the wider curriculum and school life embed our Core Values and help to strengthen personal development.
What is meant by ‘Impact’?
This is the extent to which our Implementation achieves our Intent. Our Curriculum is ever-evolving, with staff regularly updating and changing their teaching according to the needs of the children and the impact of the last year's learning.
What is our Impact?
We measure the impact of our curriculum in a variety of ways:
- Various strategies to assess pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the curriculum taught.
- Subject leaders evaluating the implementation of their subjects and the impact of this on pupils’ outcomes.
- Communication with Governors to provide support and challenge to subject leaders.
- Pupils displaying their pride in being of the school community and portraying the Core values in their character.
- Ofsted inspection
- Pupil outcomes in national tests, including Early Years, Year 1 Phonics, optional Year 2 SATs, Year 4 Multiplication Check and Year 6 SATs.
If you would like to know more about our Curriculum please contact the school office on