Hartland Primary School

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  3. Class 4

Welcome to Class 4's page! 

Class 4

Welcome to Class 4's page. This half-term in maths we will be studying decimals, money and time. In English, we will be looking at persuasive writing, my studying a specific letter sent out to the public by the RSPB. In science, history and Spanish, we will be focussing on animals including humans, the Tudors and the weather respectively. In PE, our topic this half-term is tennis and in art we will be using Brusho paints by taking inspiration from Batik artists. Finally, in PSHE and computing we are looking at rights and respect and programming. 

We have 2 PE days again this term for which the days haven't changed (Wednesday and Thursday).

For homework, this will be set on Friday each week and we ask that homework is in by Wednesday morning the following week, along with reading diaries.  

We will also be attending Buckland Abbey on Friday the 10th of May for a class trip. All the details for this will be sent out nearer to the date. 





Useful websites



Literacy - spellings, grammar etc
